
Media Presence/support

Hunter College has used media to keep students updated and make accessibility to webpages easier and more convenient. Instagram is one of the biggest platforms used by today’s society; through this platform information, and news are easily shared and travel much faster. Hunter College has multiple pages on instagram all organized by specific categories theres the main page, and other pages depending on what your looking into such as sports, majors, and current events going on.

Hunter College uses Instagram as a way to keep students updated and if you look into their bio you will see this link . Through this link, you are led to a website where all the information is separated into its categories so depending on what your looking all its information should be there or another link can and will be provided to help with students obtain the in formation they need. Hunter College instagram page is very reliable due to the constant updates and being easily accessible to students.

Even I have become dependent on Hunter College’s Instagram page due to its accessibility, especially the Hunter Human Biology page I’ve become reliant on this page due to all the information it provides on my major and how easily I can keep up to date with workshops and events that may be going on having to do with the Human Biology program.

Hunter College’s usage of Instagram is beneficial for all students even incoming freshmen cause it gives you a sense of what you may expect when coming to Hunter. And you’ll get to see what Hunter is about just by simply looking through these Instagram pages.


Hunter College Technology Help

Image from Hunter Technology support

As a college student, technology plays a significant role in your academic life. You have to rely extensively on your devices and the internet for everything from research and assignments to online classes and communication. But as anyone who has attended college is aware, technology isn’t always dependable. Knowing how to ask for and receive tech support when problems emerge can make a big difference. Fortunately for Hunter students all information regarding technology help can be found on the Hunter Information Technology website. They offer a variety of services here, including maintaining student accounts, gaining access to programs, protecting information, resolving technical issues and many more.

Although the Hunter Information technology website provides some extensive services, some students express discontent with the online services provided by the website. Delay in email replies is a regular complaint, with many students having to wait “at least 24 hours for a response” , says an anonymous student. Most of them by that time are feeling concerned and frustrated about their problems. It is clear that their online services should be more accommodating when it comes to students’ concerns. Some students, however, hold a different perspective. They argue that despite the lengthy email response times, the service offered by the information technology team is still good and frequently resolves issues within minutes of contact. Additionally, these students noted that this year’s record growth in the number of new freshmen must be taken into account. “Hunter college may not have expected this level in tech-related problems, so maybe they have been unable to handle the increased need for support,” says one anonymous student.

Moving on with their in-person services people tend to be more satisfied stating that their problems are solved significantly more effectively when they do so. In person interaction offers a direct response and a personal touch that are frequently missing from digital communication. Students value having direct conversation with experienced staff members who can address their questions and provide assistance and direction. This one-on-one engagement helps technical issues to be resolved more quickly and gives students a greater knowledge of the solutions offered. An anonymous student says, “ Their service was actually pretty good, went in to get my email fixed cause it wasn’t working and they got it done in a few seconds with nice service.” Another hunter student says,”I had to wait for a while to get my issues solved since there were a lot of people with the same problems but honestly I feel like it’s more worth it to actually fix it in person, it’s time saving. From the looks of it, it seems like students mostly prefer the in person experience over online mainly because of how time efficient it is.

Support options for technology resource center, Source:
Lab hours for technology resource center, Source:

In my personal experience I too prefer the in-person services that Hunter Information Technology Support provides. I visited Room 303 in the North Building during my first week of college to receive instruction on how to use Blackboard. The welcoming receptionist gave me a warm smile and asked me to sign in on a board. It took some time for someone to help me because there were a lot of students in line. Eventually, a tall guy approached me who was probably a student helping out due to a staff shortage. He gave me around ten minutes of his time to help me navigate Blackboard’s complexities. The help I received in person was quick and a lot simpler to understand. He manually explained the Blackboard features, which would have taken me more time to understand if I were to read through written instructions online or explore the website myself.

I recently made the decision to go back to the support desk to find out more about their services. I noticed the room was far less packed than it had been during my first week when I had arrived. I signed in as usual, and the staff named Ashley greeted me and asked what the matter was. I asked her regarding the services they offer. Ashley then went on to describe their main services, which included email support, Net ID support, help with Wi-Fi access for students without internet access, aid with the ONE card, CUNY First account, and assistance with those. They also handle supplemental name changes for students who get married or legally change their names. I asked her about their email response time, and Ashley clarified that they use a ticketing system called CUNY IT Help, where each email creates a ticket. She also addressed the longer wait times for responses, referring to extreme demand during the opening weeks, when 150–200 students a day were requesting tech support. Interestingly enough, they have just six people on their staff, thus it’s difficult to reply to everyone right away. Ashley advised going in person as they prefer walk-ins over tickets. I also asked Ashley whether they assist with fixing devices, to which she responded that they don’t handle the technical aspects but can assist with issues like password keychain problems or software malfunctions etc.

Bhuiyan, Ahmede, Front door of Student help desk, October 5th 2023
Bhuiyan, Ahmede, Inside student help desk, October 5th 2023

Given these insights, it makes sense why some students complain about the online service provided by Hunter Information Technology. All students should, however, choose in-person support as it often results in quicker problem resolution. Hunter should really invest more into their student help desk department because issues like these can make students stressed while they are already dealing with the heavy coursework and personal life.


Accessed September 27, 2023
Accessed September 27, 2023
Accessed September 27, 2023


Campus Life | Hunter College
An event happening at the hunter college gymnasium

Living on campus. Isn’t that interesting. That’s something many can’t say they do going to a CUNY college. But it is most definitely possible. Which makes you wonder why somebody would. Most college students decided to go to cuny colleges for one of the simplest reasons being that it is super affordable for New York residents. Compared to going out of state or even up state, it’s definitely a money saver for sure. Also considering the fact that some students don’t want to leave home, have responsibilities at home, other personal reasons, and etc. Some students still find it hard to juggle commuting to school on a daily basis. Like me for example I’m a commuter student. It takes me one hour to get to school and one hour to get back home traveling from Brooklyn. While also going to work four times a week and the gym four times a week also. But I still manage to be able to do everything. But sometimes it’s a lot for students to handle, so they decide to dorm. And that’s why Hunter College offers dorms near the campus for students who need them. Considering the fact that about 25,000 students go to Hunter and these students come from all 5 boroughs and even outside of the boroughs also explains why we need them. This is a resource at hunter college that is what allows students to even get to go to school. They need a place to live and what better than one near their school.

What does living in a hunter college residence even offer students?

Living 20 minutes away from campus is definitely a big plus. Everyone loves getting those 20 minutes of extra sleep in the morning. But that can also give you more time to run to get breakfast in the morning. Maybe a quick workout session to get you moving. Give that time to yourself to make your day a little more productive and not feel like all your time is being taken away by commuting. Sitting in a train waiting for your stop to say “68th street, Hunter college.” But also living in the city? Come on now. That’s definitely an experience and a hell of a view also. Which continues into getting that college experience many college students go away to universities to get. But people seem to not realize that these dorms aren’t just hunter college students. But a variety of other Cuny colleges as well. Which leads you to meeting people from different schools and making amazing bonds and connections with unforgettable  memories.

Different residence options:

 They offer up to 23,000 hunter students the opportunity to get this dorm experience. It is highly competitive to get. But priority is only guaranteed to incoming macaulay honors freshmen, rising macaulay honors sophomores, and incoming freshmen gold/nursing scholars. If you aren’t a part of the priority list that’s okay! They have applications to apply also.  Hunter offers 3 locations of residence. One of them being the brookdale campus located on 425 East 25th Street, New York, NY 10010. . This residence price range is $7,170- $9,674 for the fall and spring semester only. So for one year. It consists of having a roommate and sharing the building with other college residences as well.  Another one being Midtown residence life being located in 569 lexington ave, new york,ny 10022. These are a little more pricey for the whole year starting from $12,350-$12,995. They still have a shared room with a roomie but have a more luxury aesthetic and are closer to the school. Last but not least we have hunters apartments. These are apartments you room from 3-6 people with. You get a whole apartment but have to live with others also.  Depending on the amount of rooms and bathrooms these apartments can range for the year from $15,591-$16,485 per person. These apartments will be located only a few blocks away at 334 E 79th St, New York, NY 10075. 3 different options to accommodate which their students feel is best for them. But one scary thing is that the residence price can change out of the blue. And Of course you have to be a student to get the opportunity to live in one. Living@Hunter, Hunter College, 2023,

One of Midtown residence dorms
Personal experience of a Hunter college student

I interviewed an incoming freshman. she told me her experience about dorming/deciding to dorm. She originally lives in a small town in Long island. The commute would have to be by train. Which will then continue to be about a 2 hours and 30 minutes commute just for her to get to school. Doing this multiple times a week didn’t seem practical to her. She hurd Hunter was an amazing school for STEM majors. So she took the sacrifice of deciding to dorm in the Brookdale campus. Another reason wanted to live in the hunter residences dorms is for the simple reason that she wanted to feel freedom of being on her own from her family. She said that this can give her the independence she has been lacking since she has always been provided with everything  from her parents. Being by yourself makes you build character and makes you grow as a person. This is one step closer for her to prepare herself for the future and what’s coming. One of the biggest struggles for her is missing her family and friends. They are so close but so far at the same time. Focusing on school and doing school activities makes her feel like she doesn’t have time for them. She still has been trying on the weekends. But her goal is to have mental reassurance in herself that she can handle what is coming next. Balancing everything at this time in her life. And this is a good place to start.Living in the brookdale campus she has a roommate who she is very close with. But at first it was  weird living with a random person. Now she has friends all over the building and feels more like home. Not having a curfew is a huge plus side when she wants to have a night out with her friends in the city. Brookdale campus does have a lot of nice studying spots which helps her get her work done when she feels like she can’t do it in her room. Which is how she met a lot of her friends also. Now they have study dates so they can be productive together. But she still doesn’t regret her choice of dorming.

what Dorming can give you

Hunter residence doesn’t just give homes to students. It starts their journeys as young adults who are learning to live their life independently and giving them responsibility to handle what the real world is like. Learning the value of things that were not seen as significant before. And Hunter college is there to help them algo the way. This resource makes their students one step closer to success. 

Hunter college logo
Hunter College Policies

Hunter Policy


Hunter Policy on Misconduct:


  • Are you being molested?

If you think you may have been a victim of molestation, please know that Hunter College is dedicated to helping members of our campus community. Our team is ready to offer support, assistance, and access to resources whether you report the incident to the Office of Public Safety or the Title IX staff. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to yourself or someone you know.

  • Are you scared and not ready to talk about it?

Some people are in charge specifically for confidentially. However, this stops once there is a life in danger.



  • Are you not sure if it is sexual harassment?

    Sexual harassment is a type of perturbation involving direct or implicit sexual overtones, including unwelcome and unacceptable promises of rewards in exchange for sexual favors. Sexual harassment can either be physical or verbal, maybe even both, depending on the situation. Sexual assault is an act of physical, psychological, and emotional transgression in the form of a sexual act imposed on someone without their authorization. It can implicate forcing or manipulating someone to witness or experience sexual actions.

This policy is not only for students but also for people who are part of the staff. Any person that is part of Hunter College has this resource.

image from freepik: Community

Work Citation

Hunter College Catalog. “CUNY Policy on Sexual Misconduct | Hunter College Catalog.” Coursedog-catalog,

—. “Sexual Assault and Misconduct Policy | Hunter College.” Hunter College |, 13 Mar. 2023,


Hunter Honors Progrms Alternative text for easier accessibility

Yalow Scholars Program: scientific Research and Pre-Health

  • Early access to register for classes each semester
  • Merit scholarship, financial scholarship based on academic achievement
  • Access to a personal dedicated advisor
  • Priority access to a room in the residence hall, limitation fresman year only
  • Academic trips given to students, such as a trip to the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS) and American Medical Student Association Convention and Exposition (AMSA) in 2018
  • Social events and gatherings for students, such as secret santa in the hunter library and Yalow Award night

Daedalus Scholar Program: Computer Science

  • Free Laptops for students
  • Tuition benefits
  • Residential priority for students
  • Students can be connected with professional software engineers from tech companies such as Google, Yext, and Facebook
  • Access to mentors directly from tech companies such as Google
  • Special Computer Science classes

Hunter College Studying Abroad

I’m a person who enjoys traveling a lot. Even though I haven’t had many opportunities to do so, I enjoyed the trips I’ve had. Therefore, it is intriguing that Hunter College offers a service where I can travel and study simultaneously. On a positive note, I gathered a few reasons why studying abroad might be a good option. First, we will gain a new perspective, develop confidence, and build cross-cultural skills. I’m mostly intrigued by the programs and financial aid Hunter offers. Therefore, I decided to dig deeper into Studying abroad to understand better and help other students with my investigation. 

To begin my investigation, one great resource was browsing the Hunter College Studying Abroad webpage. I started by reading the requirements to know if I was eligible. The main conditions I should highlight are being 18 years old, completing at least two semesters, and possessing a minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA. There would also be other requirements depending on your program of choice. These options will be available on the program pages above scholarships and finance. It reads semester exchanges. There were also many other helpful tools for students to have a head start on the steps to follow. Something useful for me was the planning timeline, which helped me organize my thoughts better.

Having steps to guide me through the process is the best way to start. Besides that, it was very explicit about financial aid, scholarship expenses, etc. After researching programs, scheduling an appointment with an advisor is essential. This way, you can clarify your thoughts and ask as many questions as needed. Some questions you might consider asking are:

  • What terms work best for you?
  • What courses would you take abroad?
  • How does studying abroad fit into your academic plan?
  • What classes can I take abroad that apply to my degree at Hunter?

Another helpful resource is to sign up for a virtual Study Abroad 101 info session. An effective way to do so is to search @hunter_edabroad on Instagram.

On the description, you will see a link; once you click it, you will find many other helpful links according to your needs.

I viewed the Hunter College Study Abroad 101 webinar on YouTube for my investigation. In the video, we are introduced to the director of education abroad, Sarah Carver, and a staff associate, Emma Heineman. They gave me a more amplified explanation, including program options, affording your study abroad, and how to apply.

First, I will discuss the program options and explain the two parts of the application process. The first part consists of filling out an application to verify you meet all the eligibility requirements. The next step would be to apply to the specific program that is your top choice. 

The two programs that Hunter offers are a semester exchange during fall and spring with partnered universities around the world, a few of which include the following countries: Australia, UK, Japan, Spain, The Netherlands, and Germany. Another option is the faculty-led programs during winter and summer, which are approximately three weeks. Besides those two options, we can include CUNY and SUNY programs. Beyond that, we have affiliated program partners such as USAC, CIEE, CIS, IES, and ICDS; almost all have short-term, both semesters or a full academic year.

Moving on to choosing a program. It may be stressful trying to figure out the right program, having many options. To make it easier, consider asking the following questions:

  • Does the program offer classes that you can transfer back into Hunter?
  • Do you meet all the requirements?
  • What options does that program offer me?
  • How long are you planning on staying?
  • What housing option do you prefer?

The topic that most students stress about, including myself, is looking to afford to study abroad. A good way to start is by looking at the financial aid you have already received. Once that’s done, the next question to be answered will be: How will you cover the difference? Here are the various scholarship options that you can apply to. Hunter/ Cuny scholarships, affiliated/ external scholarships.

While scrolling through Hunters Studying Abroad on Instagram, I was interested in a post of a past Hunter student named Rohan. Rohan was a sophomore at Hunter College when she decided to study abroad in Costa Rica. Her program of choice was ICDS, which is part of the affiliated programs. For her, this experience was the best decision ever made. Her host family and she became very attached and still communicate anything interesting that happens in their lives. Rohan acknowledges that “The three weeks we spent at Finca la Flor were the best three weeks of my life that I got to spend with some of the best people I’ve ever met, and I don’t think I ever would have found it or gotten to go if it hadn’t been for ICDS!”

Works Cited

“Education Abroad.” Hunter, 2023, Accessed 29 September 2023.

“Hunter College Study Abroad 101 webinar.” YouTube, uploaded by Education Abroad, 7 September 2022,


Purple Apron Food Pantry

Between the inflating prices of subway fares to groceries, the cost of living in New York has increased substantially, and for college students, this is not good news. Especially during the pandemic, rates of food security had plummeted, leaving many students feeling as though they’re drowning in the living expenses of NYC. The solution, however, lies right past the West Building Subway Entrance at Hunter College. This solution, founded by Hunter President Ann Kirschner, is called the “Purple Apron Food Pantry”, and it houses the food essentials you would find at your local bodega, but free of charge.

Photo from the New York Times of a woman in a hunter T-shirt grabbing a can of beans off of the shelf.
Photo from the New York Times

The Purple Apron Food Pantry was founded by Ann Kirschner as a way of combating food insecurity. This describes students who do not feel that they have a reliable source for their dietary necessities, and as of 2022, 40% of CUNY students suffer from it (NYC Food Policy). This is why it is so imperative that the pantry is accessible and resourceful. According to the Hunter College Website, there is one location in room B103 (located just a few steps down the hall from the West building subway entrance), one in the main lobby of the Hunter Brookdale campus, and even a mobile service called the “Hunter Fresh Food Box Program”. The Purple Apron Food Pantry is available to all CUNY students, no matter what their income is or whether they qualify for federal food assistance. The Hunter Fresh Food Box Program, however, is only available to Hunter students currently. 

I visited the food pantry one day after my morning class, and around 10am. As of Fall 2023, the Hunter location is open three days a week (Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 9am-2pm), and was open throughout the summer as well. The Brookdale campus pantry is open three nights a week, in the evenings. As for the delivery/food box program, there is no available information regarding its hours as of now. I found that the pantry was a little difficult to locate, as there weren’t many signs that would direct students to the location. However, upon entering it, I found it to be very organized and had a thorough selection. There was a nice range of products, including canned goods, dairy and non dairy products, and different cereals.

Photo of the proteins section of the pantry, including tuna, peanut butter, variety of beans. The shelves are halfway full.
Photo of the protein section of the pantry, taken by author
Photo of the grains section of the pantry, including varieties of rice and microwave mac and cheese.
Photo of the grains section of the pantry, taken by author
Photo of the cereal, oats, grits, olive oil, pet food, and spices section of the food pantry.
Photo of a misc. section of pantry, taken by author
Photo of a refrigerator in the pantry, labeled "frozen meats."
Photo of one of two refrigerators in the pantry, taken by author
Photo of the milk section of the pantry.
Photo of the milk section of the pantry, taken by author

Through an article published by Fox 5 NY, entitled “Hunter College’s Purple Apron Pantry: Providing Food Security beyond the Classroom”, I was informed that the pantry is restocked twice a month, through their partners at the food bank of New York (Russo). I discovered that students could also inquire about federal benefits, like SNAP, through discussing with a worker at the front desk. I didn’t take any food, but I asked the desk administrator what the process looked like, and he responded by simply saying that you can grab food of your choice and leave. 

Through discussion with my classmates, I also realized that there were very few people that realized that the pantry existed. It seems that the pantry needs more publicity and advertisement across the Hunter campus to allow more students to be aware of it. Considering the staggering rates of food insecurity and the rising costs of living in New York, the food pantry could be a very well utilized resource once students become more aware of it. 

Works Cited 

Barron, James. “A Food Pantry That Keeps Hunger at Bay for Needy College Students.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 14 Aug. 2023, 

Editor, NYC Food Policy. “Hunter College President Hosts CUNY Chancellor and Food Bank for NYC CEO on Purple Apron Food Pantry Tour.” NYC Food Policy Center (Hunter College), 2 Aug. 2023,,1%20pm%20to%206%20pm). 

“Emergency Support and Resources: Hunter College.” Hunter College |, 21 Sept. 2023, 

“Health & Support: Hunter College.” Hunter College |, 6 Sept. 2023, 

Russo, Christine. “Hunter College’s Purple Apron Pantry: Providing Food Security beyond the Classroom.” FOX 5 New York, FOX 5 New York, 16 Aug. 2023,

Hunter College Learning Centers

Hunter College Libraries: A Resource for All Students

Any student that attends Hunter College should at least be aware of the library center within the East building of the institute. However many may need clarification on what the library has to offer other than a quiet place for personal research or study. Thankfully for all students, information concerning the Cooperman Library is openly available both via the Hunter CUNY website and even the Hunter Library website. Students can openly attend the library by entering 68th Street on the campus, the East building, where they have full access to all nine floors of the Cooperman Library (Hunter). The Cooperman Library is accessible to all Hunter students and provides a plethora of information and services for every student who utilizes those services.

The majority of students who don’t use the resources given by the library could be completely missing out on a space that offers plenty of support for their academic growth. There are multiple services offered according to the Hunter CUNY website, such as “collaborative work areas, reservable study rooms, and areas for quiet study”. While also offering to give genuine helpful resources or devices such as, “desktop, laptop, and tablet computers as well as printers, photocopiers, scanners, whiteboards, and lots of electrical outlets” (Hunter). Offering plenty of opportunities for students to stay during or after class hours for personal studying or studying with a group of classmates. My perspective concerning these services has been positive overall. The free-of-use printers and photocopiers have been of great use for classes that require work that needs to be done on paper. Such as classes like pre-calc or math classes in general. Personal experience with the printers has been wonderful, as it is a fairly simple process to upload images or sheets you would need for printing while you’re in the library. The library is also known for its amazing amount of space, as shown in the image below.

These are not the only purposes of the library, however, as many other services are open to any student who wishes to attend. As previously mentioned, students also have access to an online version of the Hunter Library via the Hunter College Libraries website; a site where access to opening hours, classes, events, books, databases, and more are fully open to use from students ( Students who know the website can set themselves up for further success by signing up for classes during specific work hours that the website offers. For example, on Friday, September 29th, a class by Professor Samantha Walsh is being offered for students of English 120, during the work hours of 10 am to 11:15 am in room 612 ( With such information openly available to students, many of them could easily join a class or event to study or perhaps better support themselves if they have been falling behind due to academic stress. Students may find these resources helpful, as it grants them the ability to follow up or gain extra time for working on assignments on school grounds rather than at home. The Hunter Library website is also a great database for exploring deep and important writing information. It provides extensive knowledge of copyright and citation tools ( Services given by the website are completely free, which further goes to support the accessible growth for each student.

Unfortunately, many students may not know how to access this website or how versatile the services can be on it. A freshman who will attend future semesters at Hunter College may not start out knowing all the advanced usage of the Cooperman Library. Thus accessing the Library should be a top priority for those students due to the innumerable benefits it could provide. As a freshman myself, learning about the Library early on has vastly improved my drive to complete school work. It has also been a helpful endeavor to head to the library in between lectures, which further helps me get work done for future lectures or read whenever I have the time. Teaching future freshmen the great benefits that are offered by the Library can be a wonderful endeavor to support their learning and advancement in their respective fields. Especially concerning the fifth floor of the Cooperman Library, which is beautifully designed and a cozy space for any student to study or simply relax in when waiting for their next lecture.

In the end, I believe the Library to be the single best resource a student can access while trying to support their future endeavors at Hunter College. With its plethora of resources and materials that all students have access to. Through both the Hunter College website and the Hunter Library website, students can set themselves up for massive success in their future lectures, semesters, and entire college careers. As a freshman, I can already see the use that the library can bring and how useful it can be for everyone.


Hunter College Career Services

No one likes the idea of being broke, thus we pursue education so as to provide a means for us not to be broke. I am quite certain that most people reading this are students who are either attending college with an end goal of beginning a successful career that provides them with satisfaction or, students that are part-timers looking for a more flexible schedule. The process of selecting a major, a career track or even job hunting can be quite daunting. A lot of students usually get overwhelmed because they don’t know where to start. Hunter College is not only committed to delivering high quality education to its students, but it has also dedicated an entire department towards ensuring a student’s success post-graduation. That department, namely the Hunter College Career Services Department, devotes itself to helping students gain a job which can either be part-time at the school or full-time after graduation with reputable companies. It also helps students who are undecided to explore and choose a major that aligns with their personal attributes, guides students on how to plan their career track, provides coaching on how to prep for internships and interviews and even helps students build a resume from scratch. The Hunter College Career Services department can shed light on any aspect of the planning or building your career process, regardless of a student’s background.  

The Hunter College Career services department has their resources well packaged via their online website. Accessing their website was quite easy. You can locate it either through the Hunter College website or simply by googling Hunter College Career Centre/Service. Their website contains additional contact information such as their direct address, telephone number and email address. However, the website failed to highlight the department’s social media presence. The department also has an Instagram account which is only made known through orientations, in person meetings or brochures. This account, which has amassed a substantial following, is where the department would post some of its job postings, career events, tips and tricks for career planning and much more. Though the department’s website and social media platform are quite informative I also found it quite helpful to actually visit the department. The department can be visited by appointments that can be easily made through the student’s app Navigate, or via the hyperlink on the department’s website.

As mentioned above, the career services department presents their resources quite efficiently through their webpage. Upon visiting their website you’d be greeted with weblinks and videos that could answer a range of questions you may have, regardless of whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned career hunter. The website provides links for students to access jobs or internships via their app Handshake. It also provides links to inform students of upcoming career fairs along with links to resources and templates that could help guide students in the process of creating or editing their resume’s. Not sure on a major? The website also provides a link to the Focus 2 assessment which helps students to select a major or career based on their interest, skills, personal traits and values. The website also supplies students with brief but informative descriptions of the different career tracks one could choose, along with links to resources that students could use to become more engaged with whichever career track they choose. Along with all these useful links the website even provides a four-year plan which students could follow in order to help them properly make use of their abundant resources and develop their career.

Though the department’s webpage serves to be quite useful I also found it worthwhile visiting the department and having a meeting with a career counsellor. As previously mentioned, using Navigate I was easily able to set up this appointment. The meeting lasted for 30 minutes. The meeting consisted of the counsellor questioning me regarding my interests, talents, values, educational background and so forth. After a bit of getting to know me, the counselor was able to advise me on the resources I should be aware of and using, the goals I should be setting regarding my academic studies and even advised me on the current state of the job market and the skills employers are looking for. The counselor stressed the importance of making use of their internship programs to build necessary experience        and to also attend career fairs which provides us with a great opportunity to network ourselves with other companies and build key connections with other students, alumni and other reputable company personnel. The counselor made me aware of the fact that I can set up appointments to do mock interviews and pointed out that our next meeting would entail setting up a professional LinkedIn account for me as well as start building on a resume. Since I’m a part-time working student I also inquired about the school’s part-time jobs for its students to which the counselor responded that there are always available jobs for students’ year-round, regardless of experience. The department is quite flexible with the hours and work schedules given to students as they very well understand how hectic a student’s schedule can get. The counselor and even the department heavily emphasize the usage of their app, Handshake, in order to apply for jobs and be notified of internships and career events. It is quite easy to download and set up. The app provides a personalized feed of job market news, job postings, internships, career events, and much more. I was absolutely satisfied with the information provided to me and would definitely be making many more appointments in the future.                                          

Wrapping up this discussion I’d say that the Hunter College Career Services department is essential for every student to make use of, especially since the service wouldn’t cost you anything. The department can make quite an impact on the development of your career and could definitely expedite the process of a student landing their first job. The career services department can be tailored for the use of a student coming from any background, so I do urge you to take full advantage of your resources and pave a successful career path for yourself.


Hunter College, Hunter College Career Centre, Accessed on 10/03/2023,

Free Activities

CUNY Free Admission to Museums 

CUNY ID unlocks more than just education:

College students in general carry a lot of stress and when it comes specifically to CUNY students, a way to relax and enjoy life outside of school may come in a form of exploring NYC. However, a plethora of these students aren’t aware of all the great resources available to them as they are busy with many things such as studying for their classes. The most essential item given to a CUNY student, is their ID card. This not only holds access to their education and identities, but also one of the valuable resources available to CUNY students, which are free admissions to select museums with proof of student ID. The free places listed are: Americas Society, Asia Society and Museum, The Frick Collection, Guggenheim Museum, Intrepid Museum, Jacques Marchais Museum of Tibetan Art, The Jewish Museum, Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art, El Museo del Barrio, The Museum of the City of New York, Museum of Jewish Heritage, MoMA, September 11 Museum, Poster House, Queens Botanical Gardens, The Shed, Museum of Illustration, and The Whitney Museum (“Free Museum Admission”). 

Picture of a Hunter ID template using the image and name of the founder, Thomas Hunter.
[@hunter_college]. Picture of Template CUNY ID. Twitter, 12 Jun. 2018, 12:49 PM,

History of CUNY Arts Initiative:

Students who enjoy the arts, want to learn something new, or simply adventure in a wondrous city are welcome to enter these places. CUNY Arts is the initiative that allows for this experience (“CUNY Arts”). The chancellor at the time being, started to implement this action in 2016 in order to promote diversity in cultural organizations after realizing there was a lack of various communities in these places (“CUNY Launches Landmark Initiative to Open City’s Arts and Cultural Institutions to Students”). There are more perks than just free admission to these venues from CUNY Arts, such as academic courses, programs, and even internships (“MOMA Free Admission and Professional Development Programs for CUNY Students!”). NYC is full of the creative arts and within recognizing that, CUNY was able to create a foundation for eager students to have these opportunities. 

Experiencing the MoMA as a Hunter Student:

 Knowing this, I wanted to take advantage myself and see how the experience would be as a CUNY student compared to if I wasn’t. One of the big-name museums I haven’t been to before is the Museum of Modern Art and reading that off the list, I had my eyes set on visiting it, especially since it is close by to Hunter. Even though it was a weekday in the afternoon, there was still a tremendous crowd of people lining up and entering. There were two sets of bag checks and only a straight path of people in single file were allowed to enter. Regardless of the extremely long line, I was able to get to the checkout tablets until I realized you can only get in for free admission by speaking with the clerk in the ticket booths and having physical proof of your ID. It would have been easier to check in through the tablet and scan my ID instead of having to go on a different line and waiting after groups of others. However, if I weren’t a CUNY student, the check-in process would have been more difficult using a tablet on my own and a regular ticket would have cost $25. The line moved decently, and the clerk checked me in on his computer and gave me the tickets immediately, there wasn’t any need to give notice of attending beforehand. Fortunately, it was not a hassle, and the process went smoothly. With my ticket, I had the freedom to enjoy the art and nature that was in front of me.

 I wanted to get the full experience, so I made sure to check all the areas on each floor. The respective sections had unique themes ranging from exhibitions to architecture, throughout the time periods of the 1880’s to the present day. I saw things that I didn’t even know could be considered art, like dishes and furniture. Throughout my wandering there, I realized that this art wan’t just something to visually enjoy, but something I could learn rich history from and critical knowledge. I saw poster-boards intricately designed with logos, funny artwork, antiques, sketches for spaceships, the history of ecology, and the anatomy of an AI system among many more. I was fascinated at the information that a tiny college ID card could unlock for me and thousands of others. One of the most memorable and relatable parts relative to newer CUNY students, is the Please Knock: A Teen of Album Art installation. High school students had created what they depicted to be a teenager’s bedroom and it was an interactive area to make your own art, stories, and touch all the props. Before leaving, I noticed that there was outdoor seating and an illuminating garden with statues and water around it. Not only did I get to see what the museum itself offered, but also enraptured the soothing nature around it for free. 

This picture relates to the space section of the MoMA, it is a sketch and description of a design they used before the 2000’s.
Uddin, Fabiha. Photograph of Sketch. 22 Sept. 2023.
This picture at the MoMA depicts a protest of how landfills kill and detoxification protects, in the mid 1900’s.
Uddin, Fabiha. Photograph of Protest. 22 Sept. 2023.
This is a picture at the MoMA of a ombre painting of black to red with “FAITH” written in the middle in white font.
Uddin, Fabiha. Photograph of Painting. 22 Sept. 2023.

Additional and Concluding Information:

The MoMA specifically, has accessibility that can be useful to students such as all-gender restrooms, sound amplification, and ASL interpreters. However, I did notice that it was a bit hard to navigate the museum on my own and it would have been beneficial to have a tour guide or specialized map of some sort. Additionally, for this venue, faculty planning a trip with a class can give an advanced notice in order to enter for free admission. Students who are enrolled full-time have one free admission per visit as well as the staff. It is important to note that Monday mornings are reserved for members only, so students may not go in at that time. This experience could aid students who might have an assignment on one of these institutions or simply want to try something new. It is even explained that “MoMA makes a significant annual donation of exhibition catalogues and primary resource publications to CUNY libraries and organizes special events and programs at the Museum for CUNY faculty and students” (“MoMA/CUNY Partnerships | MoMA”). Unfortunately, some downsides are that students may find this content boring or are simply uninterested, but the offer will always be there as long as they have their CUNY ID. 

This is a picture of the entrance and street of where the MoMA in Manhattan is located.
Brandon, Elissaveta. Picture of MoMA. The Architectural Review, 6 July 2021, Accessed 3 Oct. 2023.

Works Cited

“CUNY Arts.” The City University of New York, Accessed 3 Oct. 2023.

“CUNY Launches Landmark Initiative to Open City’s Arts and Cultural Institutions to Students.” CUNY Newswire, Accessed 3 Oct. 2023.

“Free Museum Admission.” Office of the Arts at Hunter College, 27 Oct. 2021, Accessed 29 Sept. 2023.

“MoMA/CUNY Partnerships | MoMA.” The Museum of Modern Art, Accessed 29 Sept. 2023.

“MOMA Free Admission and Professional Development Programs for CUNY Students!” Feirstein Film School Community, 2 Apr. 2021, Accessed 3 Oct. 2023.