Living on campus. Isn’t that interesting. That’s something many can’t say they do going to a CUNY college. But it is most definitely possible. Which makes you wonder why somebody would. Most college students decided to go to cuny colleges for one of the simplest reasons being that it is super affordable for New York residents. Compared to going out of state or even up state, it’s definitely a money saver for sure. Also considering the fact that some students don’t want to leave home, have responsibilities at home, other personal reasons, and etc. Some students still find it hard to juggle commuting to school on a daily basis. Like me for example I’m a commuter student. It takes me one hour to get to school and one hour to get back home traveling from Brooklyn. While also going to work four times a week and the gym four times a week also. But I still manage to be able to do everything. But sometimes it’s a lot for students to handle, so they decide to dorm. And that’s why Hunter College offers dorms near the campus for students who need them. Considering the fact that about 25,000 students go to Hunter and these students come from all 5 boroughs and even outside of the boroughs also explains why we need them. This is a resource at hunter college that is what allows students to even get to go to school. They need a place to live and what better than one near their school.
What does living in a hunter college residence even offer students?
Living 20 minutes away from campus is definitely a big plus. Everyone loves getting those 20 minutes of extra sleep in the morning. But that can also give you more time to run to get breakfast in the morning. Maybe a quick workout session to get you moving. Give that time to yourself to make your day a little more productive and not feel like all your time is being taken away by commuting. Sitting in a train waiting for your stop to say “68th street, Hunter college.” But also living in the city? Come on now. That’s definitely an experience and a hell of a view also. Which continues into getting that college experience many college students go away to universities to get. But people seem to not realize that these dorms aren’t just hunter college students. But a variety of other Cuny colleges as well. Which leads you to meeting people from different schools and making amazing bonds and connections with unforgettable memories.
Different residence options:
They offer up to 23,000 hunter students the opportunity to get this dorm experience. It is highly competitive to get. But priority is only guaranteed to incoming macaulay honors freshmen, rising macaulay honors sophomores, and incoming freshmen gold/nursing scholars. If you aren’t a part of the priority list that’s okay! They have applications to apply also. Hunter offers 3 locations of residence. One of them being the brookdale campus located on 425 East 25th Street, New York, NY 10010. . This residence price range is $7,170- $9,674 for the fall and spring semester only. So for one year. It consists of having a roommate and sharing the building with other college residences as well. Another one being Midtown residence life being located in 569 lexington ave, new york,ny 10022. These are a little more pricey for the whole year starting from $12,350-$12,995. They still have a shared room with a roomie but have a more luxury aesthetic and are closer to the school. Last but not least we have hunters apartments. These are apartments you room from 3-6 people with. You get a whole apartment but have to live with others also. Depending on the amount of rooms and bathrooms these apartments can range for the year from $15,591-$16,485 per person. These apartments will be located only a few blocks away at 334 E 79th St, New York, NY 10075. 3 different options to accommodate which their students feel is best for them. But one scary thing is that the residence price can change out of the blue. And Of course you have to be a student to get the opportunity to live in one. Living@Hunter, Hunter College, 2023,
I interviewed an incoming freshman. she told me her experience about dorming/deciding to dorm. She originally lives in a small town in Long island. The commute would have to be by train. Which will then continue to be about a 2 hours and 30 minutes commute just for her to get to school. Doing this multiple times a week didn’t seem practical to her. She hurd Hunter was an amazing school for STEM majors. So she took the sacrifice of deciding to dorm in the Brookdale campus. Another reason wanted to live in the hunter residences dorms is for the simple reason that she wanted to feel freedom of being on her own from her family. She said that this can give her the independence she has been lacking since she has always been provided with everything from her parents. Being by yourself makes you build character and makes you grow as a person. This is one step closer for her to prepare herself for the future and what’s coming. One of the biggest struggles for her is missing her family and friends. They are so close but so far at the same time. Focusing on school and doing school activities makes her feel like she doesn’t have time for them. She still has been trying on the weekends. But her goal is to have mental reassurance in herself that she can handle what is coming next. Balancing everything at this time in her life. And this is a good place to start.Living in the brookdale campus she has a roommate who she is very close with. But at first it was weird living with a random person. Now she has friends all over the building and feels more like home. Not having a curfew is a huge plus side when she wants to have a night out with her friends in the city. Brookdale campus does have a lot of nice studying spots which helps her get her work done when she feels like she can’t do it in her room. Which is how she met a lot of her friends also. Now they have study dates so they can be productive together. But she still doesn’t regret her choice of dorming.
what Dorming can give you
Hunter residence doesn’t just give homes to students. It starts their journeys as young adults who are learning to live their life independently and giving them responsibility to handle what the real world is like. Learning the value of things that were not seen as significant before. And Hunter college is there to help them algo the way. This resource makes their students one step closer to success.
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