Hunter College has used media to keep students updated and make accessibility to webpages easier and more convenient. Instagram is one of the biggest platforms used by today’s society; through this platform information, and news are easily shared and travel much faster. Hunter College has multiple pages on instagram all organized by specific categories theres the main page, and other pages depending on what your looking into such as sports, majors, and current events going on.

Hunter College uses Instagram as a way to keep students updated and if you look into their bio you will see this link . Through this link, you are led to a website where all the information is separated into its categories so depending on what your looking all its information should be there or another link can and will be provided to help with students obtain the in formation they need. Hunter College instagram page is very reliable due to the constant updates and being easily accessible to students.
Even I have become dependent on Hunter College’s Instagram page due to its accessibility, especially the Hunter Human Biology page I’ve become reliant on this page due to all the information it provides on my major and how easily I can keep up to date with workshops and events that may be going on having to do with the Human Biology program.
Hunter College’s usage of Instagram is beneficial for all students even incoming freshmen cause it gives you a sense of what you may expect when coming to Hunter. And you’ll get to see what Hunter is about just by simply looking through these Instagram pages.